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Macbeth's lower eyelashes are very prominent, and he wears dark eyeliner and plum-colored lipstick. Macbeth also wears a pair of yellow pants with black designs on them and burgundy boots there are spiked bracelets on his wrists and skull earrings in his ears.

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He wears a black leather vest with white fur trimming, a white armlet around his right bicep, and a black choker around his neck. Macbeth is a very lean, slightly effeminate young man with short spiky black hair on the top, and longer, straight white hair on the bottom he has long strands of white hair framing either side of his face, with the right strand, in particular, being adorned by five maroon beads.

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7.1.1 Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou.

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